Botany Plant Walk: Herbalism in Eco Restoration

Date: August 18, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Teacher Name and Titles: Sara Nelson
Nelson, Sara

Botany Plant Walk: Herbalism in Eco Restoration

In this plant walk/talk we’ll take a close look at some native prairie plants that grow well in the city and discuss what herbalists should know about native plant communities, including why herbalists are critical to efforts to preserve biodiversity. We’ll also talk about commonly used medicinal plants that are invasive and how to take proper care to keep from spreading invasive plants.


Sara Nelson took a temporary detour from herbalism to study Conservation Science at the U of M, where she is a master’s student. She has worked as a field botanist for the Minnesota Biological Survey, studied tropical ethnobotany in Costa Rica, created the zine Weeds of Minneapolis, serves as the cacao farmer liaison for Squash Blossom Farm Chocolate, and is the founder of the Corcoran Pollinator Project, a neighborhood group dedicated to creating urban pollinator habitat.

Here are some resources she shared: