Love Your Liver and It Will Love You

Date: September 3, 2014
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Teacher Name and Titles: Katherine Krumwiede
Krumwiede, Katherine

An Eastern versus Western view of the liver, our largest internal organ. We’ll dispel a few myths or two, discuss which foods and herbs support the health of the liver and its role in detoxification. You’ll learn how to support your liver so that it can enhance your life to its fullest.


Katherine Krumwiede is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and gardener whose practice focuses on using acupuncture, herbs, flower essences, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to bring about balance and good health. Katherine has had the pleasure of studying with Lise Wolff and Matthew Wood, and she is a past President of the North Country Herbalist Guild.