Making Herbal Cough Syrup
Get prepared this Wednesday, Oct. 1st for the unpleasant side effects of winter, the cold season. Jane Hawley Stevens, specializing in herbs since 1981 and owner/ creator of Four Elements Organic Herbals will be sharing her herbs and wisdom focusing on Herbal Cough Syrups and herbs for the cold season.
We will cover the different aspects of an effective cough syrup, how to make a syrup and incorporate the herbs.
Which herbs to choose from and why will be discussed in detail.
Jane will bring various herbs used for coughs to smell and taste, bringing life to this presentation.
Learn the terminology and herbs that address these common cold symptoms: anticatarrhals, antitussive, expectorants, and demulcents.
Not to worry—no test will follow, but you will gain insight into making your own herbal remedies this winter.
From the time Jane Hawley Stevens chose her professional path, it was clear it was with the plant world. For over 30 years she has specialized in herbs. In 1987 Jane started producing herbal products made from herbs she grew on her farm. Certified organic since 1990, she still grows and produces herbal products from the 130 acre farm in the Baraboo Bluffs, Four Elements Organic Herbals. Her products are inspired by the healing qualities of herbs and align with the power of Nature.