The Menstrual Cycle and Flower Essences
If you have a menstrual cycle or know someone who does, this class is for you. Men and boys will learn how to be perceptive to better relate with their enigmatic daughters, sisters, partners, mothers. Women and girls will learn how to navigate and honor their cyclical nature with greater harmony and wisdom. Neat-o menstrual clocks will be handed out for posting on your fridge so that everyone in the household can become more aware, attuned and honoring of the natural moon phases that women and mature girls embody with their hearts, minds and physical beings.
A wise teacher once said about clinical Flower Essence Therapy: first, regulate the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle and endocrine system are intimately linked to the emotions. What is more, Blood, in Chinese Medicine, is the material base for Spirit. In this class we will cover a couple key flower essences for the menstrual cycle as a whole, and also look at how emotional trauma can affect the mind-body relationship, organs and menstrual cycle, and how flower essences and clinical Flower Essence Therapy can be of help.
Loey (Loyola) Colebeck is a Minnesota native, trained and accredited in Spain as a professional clinical Flower Essence Therapist. She is a minister of the Homeopathy Congress, and teaches an in-depth Flower Essence Therapy training course. She translated Pablo Noriega’s book, Bach Flower Essences and Chinese Medicine, to English, and uses flower essences from a Chinese medical perspective for balancing Qi patterns that resonate throughout the body, emotions and mind. Loey also works with systemic constellations for healing epi-genetic inheritance and early childhood trauma, and Jade Egg and Taoist practices for feminine and masculine fortitude and healing. She also loves making herbal oils and tinctures for home use, getting her hands in the dirt, and general “urban homesteading”.