The Spirit of Energetic Healing
Description: It’s very easy to work with flower essences in a superficial manner, recommending some remedies on a “this flower is for this issue” basis, spending only a few minutes with the client. But as practitioners, we can do much better than this. When you grasp the notion of the energybody, both of the person and the flowers themselves, and how it evolves over time, a whole new perspective opens up. In particular, working with a person over long periods of time and seeing them through the major transitions of their life is a powerful way to expand your practice. I’m currently going through one of the most significant transition periods of my own life — retiring from the working life and opening up to a time of spiritual growth and personal healing. The insights this is giving me the past year or two has been quite illuminating. This process of “eldering” as I peel away layers and layers in my energybody accumulated over 50 years of living, often dramatic and sometimes painful, is leading to a fork in my spiritual path and a shift in my role as a healer. Walk with me as I pass on some of these insights and discover some new flower remedies for my own transition period. We can heal whole lives, not just a list of issues. We are all works in progress.
Speaker Bio: Martin Bulgerin has been active in the area of natural healing for 34 years, with an emphasis on flower essence therapy and a form of bodywork called Ortho-Bionomy. He is recognized as a local expert with flower essences, both via private consultations and teaching classes to budding practitioners on his particular approach to the field. In addition, he has created his own line of flower essences and other energetic remedies over the decades. He is currently in the process of writing an in depth book detailing his approach to working with flower essences.
Website: Martin can be reached by email at

Martin Bulgerin