Minerals and Soil and How They Support Your Health with Dennis Anderson

Date: March 2, 2000
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Teacher Name and Titles: Dennis Anderson
Dennis Anderson is a man of the soil, and he is also self taught (meaning constant inquisitiveness) in many areas of holistic health. Dennis taught Facial Evaluation Skills for Herbalists for 8–9 years before moving out to Dancing Yarrow full time.

Earthly Wisdom with Dennis Anderson

Date: August 4, 2011
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Teacher Name and Titles: Dennis Anderson

Dennis will discuss a variety of topics to pique our interests. Food as medicine will be the overriding theme. Dennis recently discovered old writings about corn medicine, and he’ll bring samples of the Indian corn he grows on his DancingYarrow farm in Wisconsin. He’ll also update us on all that is happening at Dancing Yarrow. As for current events, he’ll touch on radiation gardening… intriguing, yes indeed!