Bach Flower Essences and Chinese Medicine
Flower Essence Therapy and Chinese Medicine are both valuable from several approaches, from the soul's purpose to skin rashes. We will talk about these applications and their interrelation.
The Menstrual Cycle and Flower Essences
If you have a menstrual cycle or know someone who does, this class is for you. Men and boys will learn how to be perceptive to better relate with their enigmatic daughters, sisters, partners, mothers. Women and girls will learn how to navigate and honor their cyclical nature with greater harmony and wisdom.
Elder, Sambucus nigra. The Spirit of the Fountain: an investigation of Elder Flower Essence
Elder is one of those herbs that deserves a volume of its own in the herbal libraries. In this class we will look at this wonderful helper and healer from various perspectives — folklore, Five Phases of Chinese medicine, plant signature, clinical experience, etc. — to weave a complete picture of its embodied spirit, and thus, the clinical applications of its gently powerful flower essence.
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