Herbs for Here and Now:
Nervous System Support, Immune Support, Kinship, Community
Instructor: Emily Pearson Ryan
Sunday, September 15th, 4:00-6:00pm
Anam Cara House (in South Minneapolis)
There are many reasons to feel stress, anxiety, and sometimes despair here and now. This class will be one part practical plant knowledge and one part meditation on some of the small ways we can practice turning to herbal medicine for balance. We will discuss herbs that are useful specifically for immune and nervous system support, and we’ll cover some other, easy-to-integrate self- and community-care strategies, too!
Sign up HERE!
Questions? Email Emily at lowland.plant.medicine@gmail.com.
Herbal Medicine-Making Series
Instructor: Emily Pearson Ryan
Mondays, September 30th, October 7th and 14th
Anam Cara House (in South Minneapolis)
This series will be a three-class introduction to crafting your own herbal medicine. We’ll cover the basics of all the different ways medicinal plants are crafted for human use; get introductions/refreshers on a few easy-to-use herbs; and craft both a tincture and an herbal salve to take home.
Each 1.5 hour class will include some talking and some hands-on time. This series is created for both beginners and anyone looking for a refresher. We will harvest and use fresh plant material, weather-permitting.
Find more information or sign up HERE!
Questions? Reach out to Emily at lowland.plant.medicine@gmail.com
Check out Lise Wolff’s Online Classes!
Lise Wolff is now offering select herbal classes online. From her wonderful Three Seasons class to flower essences, one is sure to catch your attention.
Get more information and check out her classes HERE.
About Lise: Since 1991, Lise has studied with leading herbalists throughout the United States and has practiced professionally since completing an apprenticeship with Matthew Wood in 1995. Lise is one of only 200 herbalists nationwide to have been approved as a Registered Herbalist, denoting professional level membership in the American Herbalist Guild. The Guild, which assures a standard of excellence for practitioners through a peer review membership process, is the largest professional botanical medicine organization in the United States.
In 1997, Lise began training herbal students through her (nearly) year-long program, Three Seasons of Herbal Wisdom. For nearly three decades this program has encouraged students with all levels of knowledge to put their learning to use as professional and community herbalists. In 2023, Lise launched her own online school on the Teachable platform. 2024 is the inaugural year of Three Seasons being offered to an online cohort.
Lise holds a Bachelors Degree from Macalester College and in 2008 graduated with a Masters in Science in Herbalism from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine, through the University of Wales, the highest level of academic training available in the profession.
In Fall 2010 Lise was appointed to the academic faculty of St. Catherine University. As adjunct professor, she taught the Herbology course for the Master of Arts Holistic Health Studies Program until 2016. Lise has also been co-teaching a Botanical Medicine course at the University of Minnesota through the Center of Spirituality and Healing, as part of the School of Nursing curriculum for the Doctorate of Nursing Practice since 2010.
In her practice, Lise focuses on the nutritional and healing powers of local plants which she gathers and prepares to supply her apothecary. She maintains her practice in South Minneapolis and is available for private consultations.
Advertise Your Class Here!
DATE: When you want
TIME: anytime
LOCATION: Here, there, anywhere
INFO: Send your information to nchgbod@gmail.com and we’ll get it added in here.
Check out these websites for ongoing classes:
- Herbal Classes with Lise Wolff
- Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism online courses
- Herbal Classes with Erin Piorier
- Upcoming workshops with Marina Povlitzki
- Betsy Nelson
- Carolyn Smith, Twin Cities Herbalist & teacher
- theHERBAL Cache
- The Medicine Tree, local clinc & classes/Dina Goodwill
- Home Herbalism Online Courses with Elizabeth Heck
- Four Elements Herbal/Jane Hawley Stevens
- Herbal Classes with Angela Campbell
- Sacred Journey Healing Arts, also on Facebook
- Midwest Women’s Herbal Conferences and Workshops
- Sassafras Healing Arts
- Western Herbalism Classes with Matthew Wood
- Adagio Holistic
- Veda Yoga Therapy & Body Work Classes
- Medicine Tree Herbs
- Savanna Moon Wild Life Sanctuary
- North Country Herbal Exchange facebook page
- Wild Ones Twin Cities event calendar
- Minnesota Natural Health, Life Unlimited
- Midwest School of Herbal Studies
- Cooking Classes with Jennette Turner
- Flower Essence Classes by Martin Bulgerin
- Linda Conroy of Moonwise Herbs, Sheboygan, WI
- Dancing Yarrow, Mondovi, WI
- The Coulee Region Herbal Institute